Create Account

Create Account

To create a Testery account go to https://testery.io/signup?plan=free and login with Github or Bitbucket. This will take you through the signup flow.

Select an Organization. Select which organization you would like to connect your Testery account to.

Account Name. The Testery Account Name defaults to the Organization you selected. Feel free to change this name.

Project. For your first project, select which repository that contain the tests you want to run on Testery. Select your default branch.

Settings. Select your testing framework. Testery currently supports WebdriverIO, CucumberJS, Cypress, Specflow, NUnit, and Nightwatch. We are actively adding more to this list so if yours isn’t listed select Other along with name of framework you are using and we will let you know the status of that framework. You may be asked a few more questions depending on which framework you select.

Plan. Select which plan you would like. There is a free plan on linux servers if you want to try it out. If you require more concurrency or testing minutes we would be glad to work with you on a custom plan.

Finish. Click Finish and you will be taken to the Test Runs page within the Testery platform. Your test should be kicked off for you if everything was setup correctly.


If you have any issues during account creation send an email to support@testery.io or there is a help widget you can submit a ticket through in the lower right corner. Look for the: